Dream is placement first stone to make a luxurious building.
If you want go on a trip in anyplace and anywhere, certainly you must have planning where place with good and right. You must know that route place if you want to can fulfill your purpose place. Also with your purpose life, You must know that route place if you want to can fulfill your purpose life. But a half of them people don’t have purpose life. Try your imagination if you want enter to a plane, after that see the pilot, you ask question, “Sire, where this plane leave?”. Then The pilot,” I don’t know, maybe depend with where air blow, if air blow go right, I want bring this plane go right, then if air blow go left, I want bring this plane go left. Like that sire.”
If pilot say like that, What are you audacious to fly with plane?. Actually ours body like plane and ours self is a pilot. If we want gain ends, we must have purpose life and we must know that route place if you want to can fulfill your purpose life or target. I compare purpose life with dream. Dream is not really, and likewise purpose which planning don’t complete. But it’s real if you don’t have purpose, you will blow towards real failure, like that plane. You will abreast with blow air without navigation in map to purpose, finally will make plane fly with dangerous. So you must have dream or purpose life yourself.
In here, I want invite you to have Dream Big, don’t be afraid have dream big, it’s free, so you can dream at the farthest. First president of Indonesia emphatically say,” Hanging your aspiration at the farthest.” Aspiration like dream, So what your aspiration, you must have dream big. At the meeting, anyone say question,” Sire, If I have dream big, the next I will fell down and it’s sore.” I see many people afraid to dream because afraid fall down or failure result their dream. But if we learn at ourselves. Upon we still child, upon we learn to stand up, and walk, after that fall down, are we get up again to learn stand up and walk?, are we don’t feel fail and can’t walk again?. It’s sore, but we try to get up, stand up and learn again to pace, so we can stand up and walk with good. Like that when we learn to ride bicycle, certainly we ever fall. I have experience with my father who can learn me to ride bicycle. At the moment when I learn to ride bicycle and fall, my leg is injury with seriously. After that my father say,” Hold your ill and patiently, because after that you can ride bicycle.” I confused and ask to my father,” I just fall, Why I already to ride bicycle?” With Smart my father say,” Anyone can ride bicycle if he/she fall when he/she learn to ride bicycle. I also certainly fall from bicycle.”
It’s really when my leg heal, I try to learn ride bicycle again, only few a minute I can ride bicycle. The word’s father sometime ago, I hold on until now, that anyone can success with good if he/she ever fall or failure. It’s positive mental quality we needful. Although ever fall and failure, our mental always consist hold out to get our dream.
Mr. Krisnamurti give wise word about failure ,"always planting your mind. Win or learn, so you will never fail." If failure you always certain attitude with positive mental quality, that is viewed as a lesson with very worth, so you will never feel to fall very ill in realizing your dream.
When I or you once fall ill, Actually have two selection: Do continuing to learn to ride bicycle at risk to falling again, or come to a full stop to learn to ride bicycle. We can learn from that, because actually difference of successful people or one who fail, very thinly. One who success is dare to try again, while one who fail to stop for to try again. So actually people fail that don’t realize that actual successfulness / efficacy have within front of eyes.
You ever watch film or read comic of Donal Duck or of Mickey Mouse. You know who is creator of that famous cartoon figure? He is the famous big dreamer, that is Walt Disney. Walt Disney dream about a playground which can be used for all age, of moppet until adult. Finally he succeed to found a famous playground, that is Disneyland. Finally dream Walt Disney become fact. Now a lot of one who visit Disneyland as recreation and playground can gravity for all age. Walt Disney have said, " If You dare to pursue dream, all dream You can form."
So if You dare to pursue Your dream, trust your dream form. Whom even also you which wish to reach for successfulness, have to dare to and have big dream ( To Dream Big Dare). If You have big dream, mental which are positive will always together You. Taking example you are a artist, You have dream to become artist which that masterpiece very admired by throng, it is of course all positive mental will always follow where you go, like owning the spirit of discipline to learn to paint better again, is not never give up, always motivated to realize your dream.
Ability to dream is one of the positive mental quality which only owned by mankind and don’t have by other species. Therefore, continue to dream and remain to your target. Make your dream become bigly. Any of its dream, with positive mental, your dream become fact.
Everybody can succeed if have owned definitive target or dream and conscript entire/all strength, power and struggle to support its target.
If dream which wish you reach for will yield productive and positive value, and You sure ,"continue your walk and get now." Going on your dream and there is no need to mind anyone others tell. And if you meet failure, Let's say that a process learn, because You don’t know that along with each ;every failure, commensurable successful seed dating.
Thomas Alpha of Edison ponder / envisioning a bulb which can be animated with electrics. Edison start from where place he stand up to alter its dream become fact with action. Although meet 10.000 failure, he remain to hold its dream firmness until he make it a fact. Hope to be remembered, " never give up practical dreamer". Top-Drawer do with action.
Whelan envision a network of took cheroot and alter its dream become action. That moment of United Cigar Stores occupy some best town angle; corner in America.
Become, from now on, dream big, remarkable, awful, and become best with quality of bouncing which are positive